2010-12-28 11:15:49 来源: 作者: 评论:0 点击:
Anesthesiology. Impact Factor: 4.891是麻醉领域的顶级杂志,10年大陆发表了6篇,均是基础研究,另外两篇2011年1月发表的不包括在内。(不包括香港一篇和台湾一篇,仅限内地)
1、Lipid emulsion reverses bupivacaine-induced asystole in isolated rat hearts: concentration-response and time-response relationships.
Chen Y, Xia Y, Liu L, Shi T, Shi K, Wang Q, Chen L, Papadimos TJ, Xu X.
Anesthesiology. 2010 Dec;113:1320-5.
2、Increased genomic copy number of DEFA1/DEFA3 is associated with susceptibility to severe sepsis in Chinese Han population.
Chen Q, Hakimi M, Wu S, Jin Y, Cheng B, Wang H, Xie G, Ganz T, Linzmeier RM, Fang X.
Anesthesiology. 2010 Jun;112:1428-34.
3、Effect of thoracic epidural anesthesia with different concentrations of ropivacaine on arterial oxygenation during one-lung ventilation.
Xu Y, Tan Z, Wang S, Shao H, Zhu X.
Anesthesiology. 2010 May;112(5):1146-54.
4、EphrinBs/EphBs signaling is involved in modulation of spinal nociceptive processing through a mitogen-activated protein kinases-dependent mechanism.
Ruan JP, Zhang HX, Lu XF, Liu YP, Cao JL.
Anesthesiology. 2010 May;112(5):1234-49.
5、Limb remote ischemic preconditioning protects the spinal cord from ischemia-reperfusion injury: a newly identified nonneuronal but reactive oxygen species-dependent pathway.
Dong HL, Zhang Y, Su BX, Zhu ZH, Gu QH, Sang HF, Xiong L.
Anesthesiology. 2010 Apr;112(4):881-91.
6、Effects of permissive hypercapnia on transient global cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats.
Zhou Q, Cao B, Niu L, Cui X, Yu H, Liu J, Li H, Li W.
Anesthesiology. 2010 Feb;112(2):288-97.
Anesthesiology. Impact Factor: 4.891是麻醉领域的顶级杂志,10年大陆发表了6篇,均是基础研究,另外两篇2011年1月发表的不包括在内。(不包括香港一篇和台湾一篇,仅限内地)
1、Lipid emulsion reverses bupivacaine-induced asystole in isolated rat hearts: concentration-response and time-response relationships.
Chen Y, Xia Y, Liu L, Shi T, Shi K, Wang Q, Chen L, Papadimos TJ, Xu X.
Anesthesiology. 2010 Dec;113:1320-5.
2、Increased genomic copy number of DEFA1/DEFA3 is associated with susceptibility to severe sepsis in Chinese Han population.
Chen Q, Hakimi M, Wu S, Jin Y, Cheng B, Wang H, Xie G, Ganz T, Linzmeier RM, Fang X.
Anesthesiology. 2010 Jun;112:1428-34.
3、Effect of thoracic epidural anesthesia with different concentrations of ropivacaine on arterial oxygenation during one-lung ventilation.
Xu Y, Tan Z, Wang S, Shao H, Zhu X.
Anesthesiology. 2010 May;112(5):1146-54.
4、EphrinBs/EphBs signaling is involved in modulation of spinal nociceptive processing through a mitogen-activated protein kinases-dependent mechanism.
Ruan JP, Zhang HX, Lu XF, Liu YP, Cao JL.
Anesthesiology. 2010 May;112(5):1234-49.
5、Limb remote ischemic preconditioning protects the spinal cord from ischemia-reperfusion injury: a newly identified nonneuronal but reactive oxygen species-dependent pathway.
Dong HL, Zhang Y, Su BX, Zhu ZH, Gu QH, Sang HF, Xiong L.
Anesthesiology. 2010 Apr;112(4):881-91.
6、Effects of permissive hypercapnia on transient global cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats.
Zhou Q, Cao B, Niu L, Cui X, Yu H, Liu J, Li H, Li W.
Anesthesiology. 2010 Feb;112(2):288-97.
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