2010-03-12 18:14:31 来源: 作者: 评论:0 点击:
Clinical Nutrition Week 2010 Nutrition Practice Abstracts
Abstracts of Distinction
Nutr Clin Pract. 2010 Feb;25(1):95.
P4 - Pediatric Nutrition Risk Screening: Association With Length of Stay
Catherine M. McDonald, PhD, RD, CNSD; Sarah Gunnell, MS, RD, CNSD.
Dietitians, Primary Children's Medical Center, Salt Lake City, UT.
Introduction: Nutrition risk screening (NRS) identifies patients who are, or are at risk of, becoming malnourished. An NRS procedure must correctly separate patients who would benefit from medical nutrition therapy from those who would not according to the presence of factors associated with nutrition risk. A valid NRS procedure is based upon factors most strongly linked to nutrition risk. The potential for malnutrition and nutrition-related complications is increased for patients who experience longer hospitalizations. The identification of patients with potentially longer length of stay (LOS) enables the registered dietitian (RD) to intervene early with preventive medical nutrition therapy. The aim of this study was to determine any association of inpatient LOS with nutrition risk scores assigned using a standardized NRS procedure. Methods: An NRS procedure was developed with IRB approval by RDs at a pediatric tertiary care facility. Scoring of nutrition risk occurred within 24 hours of inpatient admission. The NRS score was determined with a standardized tool by evaluating nutrition risk in four categories: anthopometric, breathing (ventilated or not), clinical (admitting diagnosis), and diet. Zero to 3 risk points were assigned per category with a maximum total score of 12. Face validity and reliability for the NRS procedure were tested and found to be acceptable. A retrospective review of 1299 electronic medical records was conducted for inpatient admissions during June -August 2009. Inclusion criteria were inpatient status, LOS > 24 hours, and age <21 years. Exclusions were admission to newborn intensive care, organ donor status, and age ≥ 21 years. Admissions for new onset diabetes (n = 69) were excluded because of a relatively short inpatient stay with intensive nutrition intervention that is atypical of other diagnoses. Records without documented NSR scores (n = 44) were excluded. Results: Final analysis included 1185 records (male = 651, female = 534). Mean age = 58.7 months±68.2 months, median = 22 months, range 0-236 months (19.7 years). LOS mean = 5.5±6.5 days, median = 3 days, range 1-75 days. The mean NRS score assigned = 2.1±2.1, median = 2.0, range 0-12. A linear regression for the association between LOS and the NRS score was significant (t = 9.72, B = 0.11, p < 0.001). Conclusions: The NRS procedure was developed to screen for nutrition risk in pediatric inpatients. The significant association suggests NRS can be used to predict LOS in the context of screening for nutrition risk. Although nutrition risk does not depend solely on LOS, longer inpatient stays have been documented to contribute to increased nutrition-related complications. According to the linear regression, each risk point assigned using the NRS procedure was associated with an 11.74% increase in LOS. Because patients with higher NRS scores are likely to remain hospitalized for longer periods of time, the RD is able to triage those patients to remediate or prevent nutrition-related complications. Therefore, these results strengthen the validity of the NRS procedure for determining within 24 hours of admission which pediatric patients could benefit from medical nutrition therapy interventions.
Clinical Nutrition Week 2010 Nutrition Practice Abstracts
Abstracts of Distinction
Nutr Clin Pract. 2010 Feb;25(1):95.
P4 - Pediatric Nutrition Risk Screening: Association With Length of Stay
Catherine M. McDonald, PhD, RD, CNSD; Sarah Gunnell, MS, RD, CNSD.
Dietitians, Primary Children's Medical Center, Salt Lake City, UT.
Introduction: Nutrition risk screening (NRS) identifies patients who are, or are at risk of, becoming malnourished. An NRS procedure must correctly separate patients who would benefit from medical nutrition therapy from those who would not according to the presence of factors associated with nutrition risk. A valid NRS procedure is based upon factors most strongly linked to nutrition risk. The potential for malnutrition and nutrition-related complications is increased for patients who experience longer hospitalizations. The identification of patients with potentially longer length of stay (LOS) enables the registered dietitian (RD) to intervene early with preventive medical nutrition therapy. The aim of this study was to determine any association of inpatient LOS with nutrition risk scores assigned using a standardized NRS procedure. Methods: An NRS procedure was developed with IRB approval by RDs at a pediatric tertiary care facility. Scoring of nutrition risk occurred within 24 hours of inpatient admission. The NRS score was determined with a standardized tool by evaluating nutrition risk in four categories: anthopometric, breathing (ventilated or not), clinical (admitting diagnosis), and diet. Zero to 3 risk points were assigned per category with a maximum total score of 12. Face validity and reliability for the NRS procedure were tested and found to be acceptable. A retrospective review of 1299 electronic medical records was conducted for inpatient admissions during June -August 2009. Inclusion criteria were inpatient status, LOS > 24 hours, and age <21 years. Exclusions were admission to newborn intensive care, organ donor status, and age ≥ 21 years. Admissions for new onset diabetes (n = 69) were excluded because of a relatively short inpatient stay with intensive nutrition intervention that is atypical of other diagnoses. Records without documented NSR scores (n = 44) were excluded. Results: Final analysis included 1185 records (male = 651, female = 534). Mean age = 58.7 months±68.2 months, median = 22 months, range 0-236 months (19.7 years). LOS mean = 5.5±6.5 days, median = 3 days, range 1-75 days. The mean NRS score assigned = 2.1±2.1, median = 2.0, range 0-12. A linear regression for the association between LOS and the NRS score was significant (t = 9.72, B = 0.11, p < 0.001). Conclusions: The NRS procedure was developed to screen for nutrition risk in pediatric inpatients. The significant association suggests NRS can be used to predict LOS in the context of screening for nutrition risk. Although nutrition risk does not depend solely on LOS, longer inpatient stays have been documented to contribute to increased nutrition-related complications. According to the linear regression, each risk point assigned using the NRS procedure was associated with an 11.74% increase in LOS. Because patients with higher NRS scores are likely to remain hospitalized for longer periods of time, the RD is able to triage those patients to remediate or prevent nutrition-related complications. Therefore, these results strengthen the validity of the NRS procedure for determining within 24 hours of admission which pediatric patients could benefit from medical nutrition therapy interventions.
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