第十一章 神经系统
2011-06-08 18:28:40 来源: 作者: 评论:0 点击:
We know little about the mechanisms of the higher functions of the brain. In this section we introduce the language center of human being, most data of which came from clinical pathology and the advanced study on normal human being with fMRI and PET. Learning and memory is another higher function of brain of human being, and also the functions of the nervous systems of animals with lower evolution. The study on neuronal mechanisms of learning and memory got great progress during the last century.
Sleep and wakefulness cycle is one of the biological rhythmicity. Sleep has two phases according to the characteristics and the EEG, slow wave sleep (SWS) and rapid eye movement sleep (REMS or paradoxical sleep). Sleep is an active physiological process and has its specific nerve centers and neurotransmitters.
EEG is the record of the spontaneous activities of the brain, while the evoked potentials of the brain are activities produced by stimulating the pathways of specific sensation.
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1. 兴奋在神经纤维上的传导和在神经元之间的传递有何不同?解释其形成原因。
2. 神经-肌接头的兴奋传递与中枢的突触传递有何异同?
3. 试述化学突触与电突触的结构基础以及突触传递过程、特征和生理意义。
4. 试述突触后抑制与突触前抑制的结构基础、形成机制和生理意义。
5. 试述丘脑在感觉形成中的作用。
6. 内脏痛与皮肤痛比较有哪些特点?
7. 脊髓阶段能完成哪些主要的反射?各自的反射弧与生理意义是什么?
8. 脊休克的形成与恢复说明了哪些问题?
9. 如何理解在运动调节过程中的"最后公路"原则?
12. 试述交感神经与副交感神经在内脏调节中的作用。
13. 脊髓、低位脑干和下丘脑在内脏活动的调节中各有何作用?
14. 两个睡眠时相的特征和生理意义是什么?
上一篇:第十章 感觉器官的功能
下一篇:第十二章 内分泌系统
- 18第十章 感觉器官的功能
- 18第五章 呼吸
- 16第六章 消化和吸收
- 13第二章 细胞的基本功能
- 10第十一章 神经系统
- 7第一章 绪论
- 4第三章 血液
- 3第七章 能量代谢
- 2第四章 血液循环
- 1第十三章 生殖
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