2012-08-05 15:51:55   来源:37度医学网   作者:  评论:0 点击:

People with migraines may feel like time passesa bit more slowly than it actually does, if a small study is correct.如果这个小规模研究是正确的话,偏头痛患者可能会觉得时间过得比它实际上稍慢一点。The difference in time perception seems subtle- it's seen in people's perception of milliseconds. But the findings helpvalidate the common complaint of migraine sufferers that they feel a bit"off" at times, according to a headache specialist not involved inthe study.一位未参与本研究的头痛病专家说,时间感知的差异看起来非常微妙,是指人们对以毫秒为单位的时间的感知。这一发现有助于证实偏头痛患者通常抱 怨的:他们有时有点“抽离”的感觉。

The new research, reported in the journalHeadache, involved 27 adults with migraines and the same number ofheadache-free adults the same age. All of them took a test of time perceptionin which they estimated the amount of time a series of rectangles appeared ontheir computer screen.这项发表在《头痛》杂志上的新的研究报告,纳入了27名偏头痛成年患者和27名无偏头痛的同年龄的承认。所有参与者均进行时间感知的检验, 在检验中,他们估计一些列长方形在他们的计算机屏幕上出现的时间。

Sometimes the image appeared for 600milliseconds (six tenths of a second), sometimes for three seconds and othertimes five seconds.

In general, theresearchers found, people with migraines overestimated the 600-millisecond timewindow. They thought it lasted twice as long - about 1.2 seconds, on average -while the non-migraine group gave an estimate of about 0.9 seconds.研究人员发现,总体上,偏头痛患者高估了600毫秒的时间窗。他们认为,它大约持续了1.2秒,即实际时长的两倍。而非偏头痛组的人群平 均估测至约为0.9秒。
That's a small gap.But the findings support the idea that "migraine does indeed affectcognitive function," write Kai Wang and colleagues at Anhui Medical Centerin Hefei,China.两组之间的差异很小。安徽医科大学的王凯和他的团队认为,这一发现支持“偏头痛影响认知功能”的观点。
Dr. JenniferKriegler, an associate professor of neurology at the Cleveland Clinic LernerCollege of Medicine, agreed.克利夫兰诊所Lerner医学院神经病学副教授JenniferKriegler同意他们的观点

"A lot of people who have migraines reportthat when they are in a bad headache period, they just feel like they are in afog," said Kriegler, who was not involved in the current study. "Theydon't feel like they're processing information as clearly."“很多患有偏头痛的人说,当他们在头疼得很厉害的时候,他们觉得自己像是在雾里。”, Kriegler博士说,他并未参与目前的研究。“他们觉得像他们处理信息不像平时那样清晰。” An extreme and very rareversion of this effect, dubbed Alice in Wonderland Syndrome, has been seen inmigraine and epilepsy sufferers. It involves distorted time perception and asense of disconnection from reality and even self.被称为爱丽丝仙境综合症即是这种感觉的极端情形,非常罕见。但已证实会发生在偏头痛和癫痫患者身上。它涉及到时间观念的扭曲,一种与现实脱节甚 至与自身脱节。
The current timeperception study was small, Kriegler said, but it was well done. And itsuggests that the foggy feeling migraine sufferers report is not just due tothe pain.


"Itmay be because of differences in brain processing," Kriegler said.“这其中可能有大脑处理信息的差异。”
Worldwide, it'sthought that 11 percent of the population has had a migraine in the past year.In the U.S. alone, migraines cost an estimated $20 billion a year in medicalcare and lost work productivity.全球范围内,去年,有11%的人口患有偏头痛。仅在美国,估计因治疗偏头痛及偏头痛所致的生产能力减少,造成的损失大约是20 亿美元一年。

Migraines typically cause an intense throbbingsensation in one area of the head, plus sensitivity to light and sound, andnausea or vomiting in some cases.偏头痛通常头部某区域的紧张性跳痛,伴有声光敏感,有些患者会发生恶心和呕吐。

About 30 percent of people with recurrentmigraines also have sensory disturbances shortly before their headache hits.Those disturbances, known as aura, are usually visual - like seeing flashes oflight or blind spots.约30%经常性偏头痛的人在头痛发作前会伴有感觉障碍。这些感觉障碍通常是视觉异常,如光环,就像看到闪烁的观点或盲点。

It's not completely clear what causesmigraines, but they do appear to involve abnormal brain activity. And like thecurrent study, some others have linked migraines - particularly those with aura- to differences in memory, reaction times and certain other cognitiveabilities.是什么原因导致偏头痛还不完全清楚,但似乎涉及脑功能的异常。和目前的这个研究一样,其他一些研究发现偏头痛患者 尤其是那些伴有光环的,在记忆、反应时间和其他特定认知功能的异常。

In this study, migraine sufferers weredifferent in their perception of the 600-millisecond time frame, but not thelonger, three- to five-second windows.本研究中,偏头痛患者在600毫秒的时间影响方面的的认知不同。而不是在认知更长时间窗如3秒或5秒时,出现异常。
It's not clear whatto make of that. Kriegler said that since the study was so small more researchis needed to see whether it really is only the millisecond arena where peoplewith migraines differ.还不清楚这种时间认知差是什么导致的。Kriegler说,研究样本量太小,要明确是否只有600毫秒时间窗出现认知障碍,还需要更多的研 究证实。

She also said it was "significant"that study participants with migraines were not actively having headachesduring the testing. So even in between migraines, Kriegler said, there's adifference in brain functioning.她还表示,研究中比较“显著”的问题在于,这个患有偏头痛的参与者偏头痛发作并不活跃。 因此,即使在偏头痛患者之间还会存在大脑功能的差异。
What does that meanfor people in real life?


"Is this something that's going to affectpeople's daily functioning? Probably not," Kriegler said. Or at least notin the short term, she added.“有什么正在影响人们的日常功能?也许没有。”Kriegler说。或者说至少在短期内没有。

One unanswered question is what kind oftreatment people with migraines in the study were taking.另一个悬而未决的问题是研究中的偏头痛患者服用什么治疗偏头痛的药物。

The researchers note that 21 patients"received medicine," and the majority took painkillers after theirhead pain set in.研究者们说,有21例患者接受药物治疗,大多数患者在头痛发作后服用止痛药物。

But there is no indication they were on drugsthat prevent migraines - which people with recurrent migraines often take.(Wang, the senior researcher, did not respond to an email seeking comment.)但研究中没有说明他们服用偏头痛患者常用的药物以预防偏头痛发作。(主要研究者,王教授,未回复询问邮件。)

So it's not clear whether preventivemedications might have any effect on time perception, according to Kriegler.所以,Kriegler认为,不清楚偏头痛预防药物是否会影响时间认知。
Also unclear iswhether any cognitive differences might have implications for migrainesufferers' long-term brain health. Right now, there is no evidence that peoplewith migraines have, for example, a faster mental decline as they age or ahigher risk of Alzheimer's, Kriegler said.Kriegler说,不清楚的问题还包括,是否认知差异会导致偏头痛患者远期大脑健康。最近,还没有证据说明偏头痛患者会有年老时快速脑力衰退 或患Alzheimer症的高风险。
The currentfindings, she said, offer some "validation" to people who have felttheir migraines put them "off their game."她说,目前的发现,为那些感觉到偏头痛会使他们“表现不好”的患者提供了一些“验证”。
Doctors, she noted,may brush off such complaints. "But," she said, "that patientknows there's something wrong.

她指出, 医生们听到过此类主诉。“但是,病人知道有什么东西不对。”

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