2012-12-17 20:12:37 来源:37度医学网 作者: 评论:0 点击:
单倍体细胞是遗传学研究的重要工具。国际著名学术期刊Cell发表了中国科学院生物化学与细胞生物学研究所李劲松研究组和徐国良研究组的一项合作研 究,他们建立了来自孤雄囊胚的单倍体胚胎干细胞系,证明这些细胞保持了一定水平的雄性印记,进一步验证这些细胞能够代替精子在注入卵母细胞后产生健康的小 鼠。
然而卵子和精子不能在体外进行培养,因此也不能对其进行基因操作,为了获得单倍体的孤雄囊胚,研究人员采用了核移植的技术,即将卵母细胞的核通过显微操作 的方法去掉,然后注入一个精子形成携带来自父本基因组的单倍体重构胚胎。这些胚胎在体外能够发育到囊胚,从这些囊胚中分离建立了单倍体胚胎干细胞系。
单倍体胚胎干细胞系具有典型的小鼠胚胎干细胞特征,能够在注入两倍体囊胚中后形成嵌合体小鼠。因为精子在形成过程中会产生雄性印记状态,这种印记状态是受 精后胚胎发育的重要保证,而且在整个发育过程中一直维持,因此,研究人员分析了单倍体胚胎干细胞系的雄性印记水平,发现这些细胞保持了一定的雄性印记。
Haploid cells are amenable for genetic analysis. Recent success in the derivation of mouse haploid embryonic stem cells (haESCs) via parthenogenesis has enabled genetic screening in mammalian cells. However, successful generation of live animals from these haESCs, which is needed to extend the genetic analysis to the organism level, has not been achieved. Here, we report the derivation of haESCs from androgenetic blastocysts. These cells, designated as AG-haESCs, partially maintain paternal imprints, express classical ESC pluripotency markers, and contribute to various tissues, including the germline, upon injection into diploid blastocysts. Strikingly, live mice can be obtained upon injection of AG-haESCs into MII oocytes, and these mice bear haESC-carried genetic traits and develop into fertile adults. Furthermore, gene targeting via homologous recombination is feasible in the AG-haESCs. Our results demonstrate that AG-haESCs can be used as a genetically tractable fertilization agent for the production of live animals via injection into oocytes.
然而卵子和精子不能在体外进行培养,因此也不能对其进行基因操作,为了获得单倍体的孤雄囊胚,研究人员采用了核移植的技术,即将卵母细胞的核通过显微操作 的方法去掉,然后注入一个精子形成携带来自父本基因组的单倍体重构胚胎。这些胚胎在体外能够发育到囊胚,从这些囊胚中分离建立了单倍体胚胎干细胞系。
单倍体胚胎干细胞系具有典型的小鼠胚胎干细胞特征,能够在注入两倍体囊胚中后形成嵌合体小鼠。因为精子在形成过程中会产生雄性印记状态,这种印记状态是受 精后胚胎发育的重要保证,而且在整个发育过程中一直维持,因此,研究人员分析了单倍体胚胎干细胞系的雄性印记水平,发现这些细胞保持了一定的雄性印记。
Haploid cells are amenable for genetic analysis. Recent success in the derivation of mouse haploid embryonic stem cells (haESCs) via parthenogenesis has enabled genetic screening in mammalian cells. However, successful generation of live animals from these haESCs, which is needed to extend the genetic analysis to the organism level, has not been achieved. Here, we report the derivation of haESCs from androgenetic blastocysts. These cells, designated as AG-haESCs, partially maintain paternal imprints, express classical ESC pluripotency markers, and contribute to various tissues, including the germline, upon injection into diploid blastocysts. Strikingly, live mice can be obtained upon injection of AG-haESCs into MII oocytes, and these mice bear haESC-carried genetic traits and develop into fertile adults. Furthermore, gene targeting via homologous recombination is feasible in the AG-haESCs. Our results demonstrate that AG-haESCs can be used as a genetically tractable fertilization agent for the production of live animals via injection into oocytes.
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