2012-02-01 14:49:41 来源:37度医学网 作者: 评论:0 点击:
最佳实施的部分乳房切除术可通过在最初的手术切除时取得足够的手术切缘(围绕乳腺癌的正常组织边缘),并同时最大程度地维持乳房的美观。在最初的手术中如 果没有达到合适的切缘就需要进行额外的手术。这些额外的手术会对病人产生相当大的心理、生理和经济上的压力,并延迟使用所建议的补充疗法。
密歇根州大激流城密歇根州立大学的Laurence E. McCahill, M.D.及其同事开展了一项研究(在2003至2008年期间),旨在对治疗具有类似临床情况的患者的在不同医院和外科医生中的再次切除率的差异进行检 测。该研究包括了患有新近发现的2220例浸润性乳腺癌的2206名妇女,她们在第一次做的是乳房保留手术。总的来说,有509名患者(22.9%)经历 了患侧乳房的额外手术。在这些病人中,有454人(89.2%)接受了一次单一的再切除手术、48人(9.4%)接受了2次再切除术、7人(1.4%)接 受了3次再切除术。在所有接受了最初乳房保留手术的病人中,有190位患者(8.5%)后来做了乳房全切手术。
文章的作者写道:“在最初手术后有着最初阳性切缘[癌细胞存在于切除的组织边缘中]状态者的再切除率为85.9%,切缘不到1.0毫米的患者的再切除率 为47.9%,切缘在2.0至2.9毫米的患者的再切除率为6.3%。对那些有着阴性切缘[在切除组织的外缘没有癌细胞]的病人而言,再切除率在外科医生 (范围:0%至70%)中及在各个机构中(范围:1.7%至20.9%)有着极大的差异。再切除率与经过病例组合校正后的外科医生的手术容量无关。”
文章的作者得出结论:“我们的研究凸显了用统一的数据收集手段展示跨地理区域和不同卫生系统的医疗护理可变性的多中心观察研究的价值。这一可变性的长期 效应虽然超越了我们的研究范围,但诸如局部复发及甚至总体存活率等后果可受到最初手术治疗的可变性的影响是可能的。即使在局部控制没有效果的情况下,广泛 存在的无法解释的临床差异本身代表了一种对乳腺癌患者实行高品质及符合成本效益的治疗的潜在障碍。对乳腺癌手术的持续的比较效益研究要求做进一步的关注以 更好地决定最初手术治疗与患者的长期后果之间的关系。”
Context Health care reform calls for increasing physician accountability and transparency of outcomes. Partial mastectomy is the most commonly performed procedure for invasive breast cancer and often requires reexcision. Variability in reexcision might be reflective of the quality of care.
Objective To assess hospital and surgeon-specific variation in reexcision rates following partial mastectomy.
Design, Setting, and Patients An observational study of breast surgery performed between 2003 and 2008 intended to evaluate variability in breast cancer surgical care outcomes and evaluate potential quality measures of breast cancer surgery. Women with invasive breast cancer undergoing partial mastectomy from 4 institutions were studied (1 university hospital [University of Vermont] and 3 large health plans [Kaiser Permanente Colorado, Group Health, and Marshfield Clinic]). Data were obtained from electronic medical records and chart abstraction of surgical, pathology, radiology, and outpatient records, including detailed surgical margin status. Logistic regression including surgeon-level random effects was used to identify predictors of reexcision.
Main Outcome Measure Incidence of reexcision.
Results A total of 2206 women with 2220 invasive breast cancers underwent partial mastectomy and 509 patients (22.9%; 95% CI, 21.2%-24.7%) underwent reexcision (454 patients [89.2%; 95% CI, 86.5%-91.9%] had 1 reexcision, 48 [9.4%; 95% CI, 6.9%-12.0%] had 2 reexcisions, and 7 [1.4%; 95% CI, 0.4%-2.4%] had 3 reexcisions). Among all patients undergoing initial partial mastectomy, total mastectomy was performed in 190 patients (8.5%; 95% CI, 7.2%-9.5%). Reexcision rates for margin status following initial surgery were 85.9% (95% CI, 82.0%-89.8%) for initial positive margins, 47.9% (95% CI, 42.0%-53.9%) for less than 1.0 mm margins, 20.2% (95% CI, 15.3%-25.0%) for 1.0 to 1.9 mm margins, and 6.3% (95% CI, 3.2%-9.3%) for 2.0 to 2.9 mm margins. For patients with negative margins, reexcision rates varied widely among surgeons (range, 0%-70%; P = .003) and institutions (range, 1.7%-20.9%; P < .001). Reexcision rates were not associated with surgeon procedure volume after adjusting for case mix (P = .92).
Conclusion Substantial surgeon and institutional variation were observed in reexcision following partial mastectomy in women with invasive breast cancer.
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