2013-05-28 20:07:20 来源:37度医学网 作者: 评论:0 点击:
First Drug to Significantly Improve Heart Failure Mortalityin Over a Decade
Coenzyme Q10 decreases all cause mortality byhalf, according to the results of a multicentre randomised double blind trialpresented today at Heart Failure 2013 congress. It is the first drug to improveheart failure mortality in over a decade and should be added to standardtreatment, according to lead author Professor Svend Aage Mortensen (Copenhagen,Denmark).
根据今天在心衰2013会议上公布的多中心随机双盲实验的结果,辅酶Q10减低一半所有原因的死亡率。根据第一作者SvendAage Mortensen教授说:这是近十年来改善心衰死亡率的第一个要,而且可以加入标准治疗中。
Heart Failure 2013 is being held from 25-28May in Lisbon, Portugal. It is the main annual meeting of the Heart FailureAssociation of the European Society of Cardiology (1).
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) occurs naturally in thebody and is essential to survival. CoQ10 works as an electron carrier in themitochondria, the powerhouse of the cells, to produce energy and is also apowerful antioxidant. It is the only antioxidant that humans synthesise in thebody.
CoQ10 levels are decreased in the heart muscleof patients with heart failure, with the deficiency becoming more pronounced asheart failure severity worsens. Statins are used to treat many patients withheart failure because they block the synthesis of cholesterol, but these drugsalso block the synthesis of CoQ10, which further decreases levels in the body.
Double blind controlled trials have shown thatCoQ10 improves symptoms, functional capacity and quality of life in patientswith heart failure with no side effects. But until now, no trials have beenstatistically powered to address effects on survival.
The Q-SYMBIO study (2) randomised 420 patientswith severe heart failure (New York Heart Association (NYHA) Class III or IV)to CoQ10 or placebo and followed them for 2 years. The primary endpoint wastime to first major adverse cardiovascular event (MACE) which includedunplanned hospitalisation due to worsening of heart failure, cardiovasculardeath, urgent cardiac transplantation and mechanical circulatory support.Participating centres were in Denmark, Sweden, Austria, Slovakia, Poland,Hungary, India, Malaysia and Australia.
CoQ10 halved the risk of MACE, with 29 (14%)patients in the CoQ10 group reaching the primary endpoint compared to 55 (25%)patients in the placebo group (hazard ratio=2; p=0.003). CoQ10 also halved therisk of dying from all causes, which occurred in 18 (9%) patients in the CoQ10group compared to 36 (17%) patients in the placebo group (hazard ratio=2.1;p=0.01).
CoQ10 treated patients had significantly lowercardiovascular mortality (p=0,02) and lower occurrence of hospitalisations forheart failure (p=0.05). There were fewer adverse events in the CoQ10 groupcompared to the placebo group (p=0.073).
Professor Mortensen said: "CoQ10 is thefirst medication to improve survival in chronic heart failure since ACEinhibitors and beta blockers more than a decade ago and should be added tostandard heart failure therapy."
He added: "Other heart failuremedications block rather than enhance cellular processes and may have sideeffects. Supplementation with CoQ10, which is a natural and safe substance,corrects a deficiency in the body and blocks the vicious metabolic cycle inchronic heart failure called the energy starved heart."
CoQ10 is present in food, including red meat,plants and fish, but levels are insufficient to impact on heart failure. CoQ10is also sold over the counter as a food supplement but Professor Mortensensaid: "Food supplements can influence the effect of other medicationsincluding anticoagulants and patients should seek advice from their doctorbefore taking them."
Patients with ischaemic heart disease who usestatins could also benefit from CoQ10 supplementation. Professor Mortensensaid: "We have no controlled trials demonstrating that statin therapy plusCoQ10 improves mortality more than statins alone. But statins reduce CoQ10, andcirculating CoQ10 prevents the oxidation of LDL effectively, so I thinkischaemic patients should supplement statin therapy with CoQ10."
References: 1. Heart Failure Congress 2013http://www.escardio.org/congresses/hf2013/Pages/welcome.aspx?hit=nav 2. SA Mortensen, A Kumar, P Dolliner, et al.The effect of coenzyme Q10 on morbidity and mortality in chronic heart failure.Results from the Q-SYMBIO study. Presented at Heart Failure Congress 2013 FinalProgramme Number 440. The full title of the Q-SYMBIO study is: "CoenzymeQ10 as adjunctive treatment of chronic heart failure: a randomised double blindmulticentre trial with focus on changes in symptoms, biomarker status with BNPand long term outcome"
1. 心衰会议:2013http://www.escardio.org/congresses/hf2013/Pages/welcome.aspx?hit=nav
2. SA Mortensen, A Kumar, P Dolliner, et al:在慢性心衰中辅酶Q10对发病率和死亡率的影响。Q-SYMBIO研究中得出结论。在2013年心衰会议中提出。项目号440。Q-SYMBIO研究的题目是:辅酶Q10作为慢性心衰的附属治疗:一个关注于症状改变,生物标记物状态BNP以及长期疗效的随机双盲多中心研究。
Coenzyme Q10 decreases all cause mortality byhalf, according to the results of a multicentre randomised double blind trialpresented today at Heart Failure 2013 congress. It is the first drug to improveheart failure mortality in over a decade and should be added to standardtreatment, according to lead author Professor Svend Aage Mortensen (Copenhagen,Denmark).
根据今天在心衰2013会议上公布的多中心随机双盲实验的结果,辅酶Q10减低一半所有原因的死亡率。根据第一作者SvendAage Mortensen教授说:这是近十年来改善心衰死亡率的第一个要,而且可以加入标准治疗中。
Heart Failure 2013 is being held from 25-28May in Lisbon, Portugal. It is the main annual meeting of the Heart FailureAssociation of the European Society of Cardiology (1).
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) occurs naturally in thebody and is essential to survival. CoQ10 works as an electron carrier in themitochondria, the powerhouse of the cells, to produce energy and is also apowerful antioxidant. It is the only antioxidant that humans synthesise in thebody.
CoQ10 levels are decreased in the heart muscleof patients with heart failure, with the deficiency becoming more pronounced asheart failure severity worsens. Statins are used to treat many patients withheart failure because they block the synthesis of cholesterol, but these drugsalso block the synthesis of CoQ10, which further decreases levels in the body.
Double blind controlled trials have shown thatCoQ10 improves symptoms, functional capacity and quality of life in patientswith heart failure with no side effects. But until now, no trials have beenstatistically powered to address effects on survival.
The Q-SYMBIO study (2) randomised 420 patientswith severe heart failure (New York Heart Association (NYHA) Class III or IV)to CoQ10 or placebo and followed them for 2 years. The primary endpoint wastime to first major adverse cardiovascular event (MACE) which includedunplanned hospitalisation due to worsening of heart failure, cardiovasculardeath, urgent cardiac transplantation and mechanical circulatory support.Participating centres were in Denmark, Sweden, Austria, Slovakia, Poland,Hungary, India, Malaysia and Australia.
CoQ10 halved the risk of MACE, with 29 (14%)patients in the CoQ10 group reaching the primary endpoint compared to 55 (25%)patients in the placebo group (hazard ratio=2; p=0.003). CoQ10 also halved therisk of dying from all causes, which occurred in 18 (9%) patients in the CoQ10group compared to 36 (17%) patients in the placebo group (hazard ratio=2.1;p=0.01).
CoQ10 treated patients had significantly lowercardiovascular mortality (p=0,02) and lower occurrence of hospitalisations forheart failure (p=0.05). There were fewer adverse events in the CoQ10 groupcompared to the placebo group (p=0.073).
Professor Mortensen said: "CoQ10 is thefirst medication to improve survival in chronic heart failure since ACEinhibitors and beta blockers more than a decade ago and should be added tostandard heart failure therapy."
He added: "Other heart failuremedications block rather than enhance cellular processes and may have sideeffects. Supplementation with CoQ10, which is a natural and safe substance,corrects a deficiency in the body and blocks the vicious metabolic cycle inchronic heart failure called the energy starved heart."
CoQ10 is present in food, including red meat,plants and fish, but levels are insufficient to impact on heart failure. CoQ10is also sold over the counter as a food supplement but Professor Mortensensaid: "Food supplements can influence the effect of other medicationsincluding anticoagulants and patients should seek advice from their doctorbefore taking them."
Patients with ischaemic heart disease who usestatins could also benefit from CoQ10 supplementation. Professor Mortensensaid: "We have no controlled trials demonstrating that statin therapy plusCoQ10 improves mortality more than statins alone. But statins reduce CoQ10, andcirculating CoQ10 prevents the oxidation of LDL effectively, so I thinkischaemic patients should supplement statin therapy with CoQ10."
References: 1. Heart Failure Congress 2013http://www.escardio.org/congresses/hf2013/Pages/welcome.aspx?hit=nav 2. SA Mortensen, A Kumar, P Dolliner, et al.The effect of coenzyme Q10 on morbidity and mortality in chronic heart failure.Results from the Q-SYMBIO study. Presented at Heart Failure Congress 2013 FinalProgramme Number 440. The full title of the Q-SYMBIO study is: "CoenzymeQ10 as adjunctive treatment of chronic heart failure: a randomised double blindmulticentre trial with focus on changes in symptoms, biomarker status with BNPand long term outcome"
1. 心衰会议:2013http://www.escardio.org/congresses/hf2013/Pages/welcome.aspx?hit=nav
2. SA Mortensen, A Kumar, P Dolliner, et al:在慢性心衰中辅酶Q10对发病率和死亡率的影响。Q-SYMBIO研究中得出结论。在2013年心衰会议中提出。项目号440。Q-SYMBIO研究的题目是:辅酶Q10作为慢性心衰的附属治疗:一个关注于症状改变,生物标记物状态BNP以及长期疗效的随机双盲多中心研究。
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