2011-05-30 23:15:26   来源:   作者:  评论:0 点击:

May 24, 2011 (Austin, Texas) — Patients taking high doses of methadone have more cardiovascular risk, warn researchers.

"There is a dose-dependent effect on QTc interval in patients taking more than 120 mg per day," presenter Ricardo Cruciani, MD, from Beth Israel Medical Center in New York City, said here at the American Pain Society 30th Annual Scientific Meeting.
纽约市以色列贝丝医学中心的Ricardo Cruciani 博士在美国疼痛学会第30届学术年会上发言说:“日剂量超过120毫克存在剂量依赖的QT 间期效应。”

Investigators grouped chronic pain patients according to methadone dose and found the highest-dose group showed significantly more QTc prolongation. Lower doses ranged from 10 to 120 mg.
研究者将疼痛患者按美沙酮剂量进行分组,发现最高剂量组出现了显著的QT 间期延长。较小剂量的大小范围是10 到120 mg

Dr. Cruciani's team considered a QT corrected for heart rate prolongation of more than 500 milliseconds as a definite risk for the potentially fatal arrhythmia torsades de pointes. Men with prolongations of more than 430 and 450 and women with increases of 450 and 470 were considered at risk.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the number of fatal poisoningscaused by opioid overdoses has tripled in recent years. Leading the pack among analgesic-related deaths is methadone.
根据疾控及预防中心,由鸦片类药物过量引起的致死毒性病例近年增长达到3 倍。美沙酮在痛觉迟缓相关的死因中高居首位。

Rising Death Rate
"Our interpretation is the doses for methadone used to be low," Dr. Cruciani told Medscape Medical News. "For many years it has been used as substitution therapy in treatment programs for patients with opioid addiction. However, in the last decade, methadone to treat chronic pain patients became more common."

Dr. Cruciani suggests the increasing popularity can be attributed to the efficacy, long duration of action, and low cost. Many questions remain about the cause of methadone deaths, but some researchers suggest cardiac toxicity is at play.

In the CDC report led by Diane Makuc, DrPH, the team from the National Center for Health Statistics points out the drug is a long-acting opioid and requires a complex dosing schedule. "Methadone relieves pain for 4 to 8 hours but remains in the body for up to 59 hours. A lack of knowledge about the unique properties of methadone was identified as contributing to some deaths."
一份由公共卫生学博士Diane Makuc带领的国家健康统计中心团队在CDC发布的报道指出,美沙酮是一种长效鸦片类制剂,需要根据实际情况作出剂量调整。“美沙酮可以有效作用4到8小时,但可以在体内存在长达59小时。目前仍然缺乏对美沙酮独特性质的了解,这是引起部分死亡的原因之一。”

Another national reviewof unintentional overdose deaths involving opioids came to a similar disturbing conclusion — a disproportionate number of poisonings are related to methadone.

Presenting at last year's American Academy of Pain Medicine Annual Meeting, investigators reported 30% of deaths involved methadone even though the drug represents only 5% of the nation's opioid prescriptions.

The researchers, led by Lynn Webster, MD, founder of the Salt Lake City, Utah–based Life Source Foundation, which funded the study, said the problems appeared to center on methadone prescribed for pain not addiction.
由赞助本次研究的犹他州盐湖城生命资源基地成立者Lynn Webster领导的研究组解释道,现有的问题似乎围绕着疼痛引起的美沙酮处方,而非针对成瘾的处方。

In this new study, Dr. Cruciani's team focused on chronic pain patients and especially those older than 50 years, considered at higher cardiovascular risk. Investigators looked at 39 patients taking methadone and wanted to compare the effectiveness of a single electrocardiogram vs a 24-hour Holter monitor in detecting abnormal QT.

Torsades de Pointes
They found a single electrocardiogram detected fewer patients with QTc interval prolongations compared with a 24-hour Holter monitor (15 vs 20). However, the 2 approaches detected the same number of patients at risk for torsades de pointes.
他们发现单次心电图检查比24小时心动监测发现QT间期延长更少(15 vs 20),然而,两种方法在检测扭转性室速的效能是一样的。

Of note, Holter monitoring detected twice as many patients with QTc prolongations at noon compared with electrocardiogram. "This suggests that a single test might not be sufficient in identifying patients at risk," Dr. Cruciani said.
心动监测发现的QT间期延长的病人数目比普通心电图多1 倍。Cruciani 说道:“这个现象说明了单次检查不足以发现具有患病风险的病人。”

Despite the growing concerns over cardiac toxicity, many investigators suggest methadone deaths are a multipronged problem.

Dr. Webster's team studied malpractice cases in the United States, searched the literature, and reviewed other local and federal sources of information and found many reasons for the rising death toll.

"There's not one thing that caused this," Dr. Webster said when first presenting the results of his study. "There are multiple things that all add up."
Webster 博士在首次展示研究成果时说:“并非只有一个原因造成这种现象。其中存在很多方面的因素对此现象作了贡献。”

A chief reason, his team suggests, is that conversion tables — used by physicians to transition patients from one opioid to another — recommend too much methadone for most patients. For example, Dr. Webster pointed out, through 2006, the US Food and Drug Administration recommended a starting dose of 80 mg per day. That recommendation has since been changed to 30 mg a day.

"For most individuals, starting them at 80 mg per day, they would die," Dr. Webster said.

"We used to regularly see doses of 40 or 60 mg," Dr. Cruciani told Medscape Medical News. "This was when methadone was used primarily for addiction, but now that we use it for chronic pain we choose much higher doses."

相关热词搜索:治疗慢性 疼痛 往往

