2009-05-26 20:36:34   来源:   作者:  评论:0 点击:





电子医疗项目首席执行官Janet Marchibroda说,“我们知道电子处方是改善医疗保健服务、减少用药差错并预防潜在危险药品相互作用的有效方法。然而,从纸质系统到电子系统的转变极具挑战性。这一指南旨在解决有关电子处方的某些谜题,并帮助医生获得电子处方能够带给其患者及实践的诸多利益。”


美国医学会董事成员Steven J. Stack(医学博士)说,“电子处方在改善患者安全和推进保健协调方面很有前途,而且AMA致力于帮助医生采用这一技术。”



美国家庭医学会医疗IT中心主任兼用药管理改善中心董事会成员Steven E. Waldren(医学博士)说,“借助电子处方的推动力量及其加速发展,帮助医生及其他处方师十分重要,这样可以确保电子处方的顺利实施,进而实现全面利益。这一指南所提供的详细内容不但包括如何开始,还包括哪些挑战以及如何应对。”



E-prescribing guide for clinicians aims to aid adoption

By Molly Merrill, Associate Editor

2008107 星期二


BOSTON - An electronic prescribing guide for clinicians was unveiled Tuesday at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services National e-Prescribing Conference in Boston.


"A Clinician's Guide to Electronic Prescribing," is designed to meet the needs of two target audiences.


The first section targets office-based clinicians new to the concept of e-prescribing who need a basic understanding of e-prescribing, its benefits and challenges and the current environment impacting its widespread adoption.


The second section of the guide targets office-based clinicians who are ready to move forward and bring e-prescribing into their practices. It presents fundamental questions and steps to follow in planning for, selecting and implementing an e-prescribing system.


"We know e-prescribing is an efficient way to improve healthcare delivery, decrease medication errors and prevent potentially dangerous drug interactions," said eHealth Initiative Chief Executive Officer Janet Marchibroda. "However, the transition from a paper to electronic system is quite challenging. This guide is meant to remove some of the mystery around e-prescribing and help physicians begin to realize some of the many benefits e-prescribing can bring to their patients and their practices."


The guide was developed by a multi-stakeholder steering group comprised of clinicians, consumers, employers, health plans and pharmacies and in partnership with the eHealth Initiative, the American Medical Association, the American Academy of Family Physicians, the American College of Physicians, the Medical Group Management Association and The Center for Improving Medication Management.


"E-prescribing holds great promise for improvements in patient safety and advances in care coordination, and the AMA is committed to helping physicians adopt this technology," said American Medical Association Board Member Steven J. Stack, MD.


"This guide is an important resource for physicians and can aid in the adoption and implementation of e-prescribing."


The guide also provides a list of key references and resources to help make the transition to e-prescribing as smooth as possible.


"With all the momentum toward e-prescribing and its accelerated growth, it is important to assist physicians and other prescribers to ensure that e-prescribing is implemented well in order for the full range of benefits can be achieved," said Steven E. Waldren, MD, director of the Center for Health IT at the American Academy of Family Physicians and a board member of The Center for Improving Medication Management. "This guide provides substantial detail not only on how to get started but what challenges to expect and how to overcome them."


