印度大象也放假 吃营养大餐做SPA(双语)
2014-10-07 17:45:39   来源:37度医学网   作者:  评论:0 点击:

大象也能享受SPA?没错,在印度喀拉拉邦,大象在寺庙工作几个月后将被送去度假。在一个月的假期里,它们可以尽情放松身心,在池塘里享受SPA水 疗的乐趣,之后还可以享用各种食物并品尝专家特制的营养餐,以帮助其恢复体力并为下一阶段的工作做好准备。整个节日活动花费寺院近90万印度卢比 (1.25万英镑)。

  Indian elephants from a Hindu temple in Kerala are to be sent on month-long holiday package complete with massages and bath oils as they recover from their arduous labour.

  Indian elephants from a Hindu temple in Kerala are to be sent on month-long holiday package complete with massages and bath oils as they recover from their arduous labour。

  The herd of 64 elephants from the Sree Krishna will be fed large quantities of food - enough for them to put on 700-800 pounds - and pampered。

  During this period, 64 elephants from Kerala's Guruvayur Sree Krishna Temple in Thrissur will be fed large quantities of food and pampered。

  TCR Nambiar, a temple veterinary officer, said the Indian elephants were being treated after spending months walking on tarred roads, living on palm leaves and bananas and playing guard of honour during numerous temple festivals。

  Their 'spa' daily diet includes special rice, horse gram and turmeric in addition to a mix of multi-vitamins, tonics and mineral and liver extracts, all monitored by experts。

   This rejuvenation treatment would also calm them down ahead of a busy work schedule in upcoming events later in the year where they are the principal attraction。

  The entire elephant 'holiday' package costs the temple authorities over Rs 900,000 (£12,500) but additional funds were available should they be required for the highly revered animals。

  Hindus believe that propitiating Ganesha the elephant god clears all obstacles in addition to providing its worshippers wisdom, prudence and power。

  Consequently, possessing elephants is a traditional symbol of prestige for temples across southern India。

  All temples, however, never purchase their elephants as they were donated by devotees as a sign of piety。


相关热词搜索:印度 双语 大象

