高级医学英语阅读与写作Chapter two
2012-06-02 22:49:01   来源:37度医学网   作者:  评论:0 点击:

Haven’t They Seen ‘Casablanca’?            
Lingering kisses and tearful farewells are to be a thing of the past on the platforms of some of France’s biggest railway stations. In a move decidedly not in keeping with the country’s reputation for romance, officials at stations in Paris, Lyon and Marseille have launched new “welcome-filtering operations” to keep platforms reserved purely for passengers. “These operations aim to reduce fraud by preventing people without tickets from boarding trains and to make it easier for trains to leave at the exact time,” said Jean-Luc Obadia, manager of Lyon station. Uniformed staff for the SNCF rail company will demand to see people’s tickets before letting them onto platforms, while their loved ones will be encouraged to say their goodbyes elsewhere in the stations’ precincts. Officials said a new high-speed link between Paris and Marseille due to open next month will raise the number of trains traveling between the three cities, making it essential that all trains leave on the dot. “If you’re accompanying a person who is in good health and able to manage alone, we’ll ask you to say goodbye before the platform. But if you’re with your grandmother and she’s carrying a heavy suitcase, we’ll let you through,” Obadia added. For those left behind at the platform barrier, he had a consolatory thought: “I tell people that they won’t see the train leave so it won’t be so sad.”
                                                 — English Language Learning, Nov. 2001
(1)   The paragraph is mainly about
A.    France’s reputation for romance.
B.     lingering kisses and tearful farewells in France.
C.     new “welcome-filtering operations” in France.
D.    where to say goodbye.
(2)   What is the type of paragraph development?
A.    Reason
B.     Comparison-contrast organization
C.     Example and illustration
D.    Cause-effect organization
(3)   What are the main indicators to indicate the paragraph development?
(4) Is there a topic sentence in this paragraph?
Passage 2
Nuclear fission is the splitting of an atom. Only a few elements are suitable for use in this way, the most important ones being Uranium-235, Uranium-233 and Plutonium-239. When a nucleus of one of these elements is struck by a free neutron it breaks down into two lighter nuclei which fly apart at high speed, colliding with surrounding atoms. Their kinetic energy is converted into heat energy. At the same time, two or three free neutrons are released and one of them enters the nucleus of a neighboring atom, causing fission to occur again; and so on. The reaction spreads very quickly, with more and more heat energy released. This is called a ‘chain’ reaction because the splitting of each nucleus is linked to another, and another and another.
   —Alex Adkinsand Ian McKean
(1)   The paragraph is mainly about
A.  nuclear fission.
B.  the chain reaction of nuclear fission.
C.  a chain reaction.
D.  the splitting of atoms.
(2)   What is the type of paragraph development?
A.    Reason
B.     Example and illustration
C.     Process
D.    Definition
(3)   What are the main indicators to indicate the paragraph development?
(4) Is there a topic sentence in this paragraph?
Paragraph 3
There are two main groups of whale — toothed and toothless. The former includes the dolphin, the porpoise and the killer and sperm whales; the latter the grey, humpback, right and blue whales. Some toothed species, like the killer, feed on other large mammals such as the porpoise, while others — e.g. the sperm whale — eat smaller forms of marine life. The mouth of the toothless whale is adapted to form a kind of sieve in which tiny marine animals are caught by a filtering process.
Alex Adkins andIan Mckean
(1)   The paragraph is mainly about
A.  the whale.
B.  the classification of the whales.
C.  the definition of the whales.
D.  the behaviour of the whales.
(2)   What is the type of paragraph development?
A.  Definition
B.  Comparison/contrast
C.  Examples
D.  Classification
(3)   What are the main indicators to indicate the paragraph development?
(4)   Is there a topic sentence in this paragraph?
Passage 4
When you go to visit West Virginia in the USA, you may be very surprised to find that there’s a town called Shanghai there with a population of about 1,000! US towns not only borrow names but also create them. Boring, Maryland — this town may be boring, but it’s less than an hour’s drive from Mexico, Damascus or Dublin, and residents looking for fun can enjoy “bingo” almost every night. Northeast of this hamlet of 100 people, a trek through Pennsylvania could link Desire, Bird-In-Hand, Intercourse, and —maybe after a stop in Accident, Maryland — Panic. Numerous US city and town names defy immediate explanation: Normal in Illinois, Mechanicvilla in New York, Toad Suck in Arkansas, or Idiotvilla in Oregon. Many colorful place names came about as a result of settlement of the Unite States by “a frontier breed” who preferred such names. Family names and commemorative names meant to connote ownership or to honor sponsors of voyages of exploration — or even to woo sponsors — also yield some odd names — like Boring. Spanish and French names are said to have corrupted into English. That would explain Low Freight, an Arkansas lade, which is said to derive from “L’ Eau Froide” — French for “Cold Water”. Cities whose namesake lies an ocean away also dot the US landscape. New Mexico has its Cuba and Milan, there’s a South Carolina town called Denmark, Baghdad sits in Arizona, Havana is in Illinois, and the Florida sunshine heats St. Petersburg!
                                                         By A. Seay
(1)   The paragraph is mainly about
A.  US towns and their creative names.
B.   creative names.
C.   US towns.
D.  Us towns and their names.
(2)   What is the type of paragraph development?
A.  Reason
B.  Example
C.  Definition
D.  Comparison
(3)   What are the main indicators to indicate the paragraph development?
(4)   Is there a topic sentence in this paragraph?
3.      Read the following paragraphs and identify the paragraph development and the method of the concluding sentence of each.
Passage 1
One major decision which faces the American students ready to begin higher education is the choice of attending a large university or a small college. The large university provides a wide range of specialized departments, as well as numerous courses within such departments. The small college, however, generally provides a limited number of courses and specializations but offers a better student-faculty ratio, thus permitting individualised attention to students. Because of its large student body (often exceeding 20,000) consisting of many people from different countries the university exposes its students to many different cultural, social and out-of-class programmes. On the other hand, the smaller, more homogeneous students body of the small collegeaffords greater opportunities in such activities. Finally the university closely approximates the real world and provides a relaxed, impersonal, and sometimes anonymous existence. On the contrary, the intimate atmosphere of the small college allows the students four years of structural living in which to expect and be prepared for the real world. In making his choice among educational institutions the student must, therefore, consider a great many factors.
(1)       What is the main topic of this passage?
A. Educational institutions           
B. Major decision facing the American high school students
C. Comparison of educational institutions         
D. Advantages of a large university
      (2)    What is the type of paragraph development?
              A. Comparison
              B. Definition
             C. Analysis
             D. Reason
      (3)    Which method of writing a concluding sentence is used in the paragraph?

(4)    What are the main indicators to indicate the method of the concluding sentence?
      Passage 2
During his research on the process of inflammation, Lister began to suspect that putrefaction was caused by something carried into wounds by the air. You will recall that Pasteur had shown that putrefaction or fermentation was caused by the introduction of bacteria from the air. The news of this discovery of Pasteur’s came like a revelation to Lister. He reasoned that if air bacteria could bring about the fermentation of wine, they would also cause infection if allowed to get into wounds. This immediately raised the problem of how to destroy the germs so that infection could be prevented. Lister began to search for an agent which could kill bacteria without harming human tissues. He soon learned that carbonic acid had been used by a Manchester chemist to disinfect sewage. Preliminary trials of carbonic acid convinced Lister that this was the agent he had been looking for. It effectively destroyed bacteria and, if used in diluted enough solutions, it would not harm body tissues. Later it was also found to be a good antiseptic for sterilizing surgical instruments.
(1)    What is the main topic of this passage?
A. The founder of antiseptic          
B. What Lister found as an antiseptic
C. What Pasteur found           
D. A revelation to Lister
      (2)    What is the type of paragraph development?
              A. Process
              B. Narration
              C. Analysis
              D. Definition
      (3)    Which method of writing a concluding sentence is used in the paragraph?
(4)    What are the main indicators to indicate the method of the concluding sentence?
4.   Read the following paragraphs and draw a diagram for each.
Passage 1

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