2013-12-15 21:13:39   来源:37度医学网   作者:  评论:0 点击:



  简答题之Highly proficient musicianship

  中规中矩没有新意,查找定位完后抄啊抄就能搞定。当然我在课堂上说过,四六级委员会是不会侮辱各位童鞋的,所以没可能让你抄5次。当然需要同义 替换的题目也不会太多,最近几次的六级考试简答题部分需要同义替换的题目也就维持在1-2题的样子。这篇文章目测只有第四题需要同义替换。

  这篇文章的难点在于对基本功词汇量的考核,比如最后一题你要不认识文中的crack the whip,你显然不能定位到出题的位置,比如第三题你要分不清be subjected to 和besubject to的区别,你就有极高的概率被坑爹。亲们,背单词这事儿,我就帮不了你们了。记得加入@任强Aaron 创建的【早起追梦团】,好好背单词吧。微信搜索:wdvocabulary


  47. motivation andpractice

  48. leisure time

  49. musicians anddancers

  50. treated as special(原文是treating as special)

  51. the key factor


  扫了一眼5个题目,我就为亲们捏一把汗。这个话题你们太熟悉了,而你们一旦面对熟悉的话题……各种拍脑袋凭感觉充分发挥想象力和创造力的做题习 惯就会难以克制地井喷。参加过六级强化班的童鞋们,你们一定还记得【原文重现】的阅读总纲吧,还记得先入为主自我意淫的错误项特征吧?还记得那个长相美丽 的女孩子和受了伤的流浪狗吧?还记得我的秘书他不是个女人的例子吧?如果这些问题你们都记得,恭喜你,这篇文章不就全部是送分题么?


  52. Why dopeople prefer shopping online according to the author?

  It is morecomfortable and convenient。

  53. Why domore customers return their purchases bought online?

  They had nochance to touch them when shopping online. (作者确实讲了三个原因,但是你们看到逻辑关系标志词However木有!!!)

  54. What isthe purpose of author’s experiment?

  To test hishypothesis about online shopping. (这个题目纠结吗?要阅读长长的两个自然段才能做出一个题?有木有看到倒数第二段的Why? 因果关系有圈吗?)

  55. How mightpeople feel after letting go of something they held?

  More motivatedto own it。

  56. What doestrain imaging in a recent study reveal?

  Physical touchhelps form a sense of possession. (The studyalso indicated that 找到木有?并列关系 下结论的地方必须考啊)

  深度阅读四选一之theexaggerated claims in the media about global warming

  做这篇文章的时候,强化班的童鞋有木有想起一篇我们在课堂上练习的sustainable agriculture的文章?有木有觉得特别的像?这篇文章逻辑关系标志词异常清晰,题干关键信息和逻辑关系标志词两点定位,快速就能找到答案。


  57. In whatway do the media benefit from extreme weather?

  They can attractpeople’s attention to their reports. (one ofthe most比较)

  58. What isthe author’s comment on Krugman’s claim about the current drought in America’sMidwest?

  There is no wayto prove its validity. (But、Moreover转折、递进)

  59. What isthe chief reason for the rise in corn prices according to the author?

  Considerableportion of corn is used to produce green fuel. (Finally递进)

  60. Whatdoes the author say about global wildfire incidence over the past 70 years?

  It has droppedgreatly. (In fact下结论)

  61. Whatdoes the author think of the exaggerated claims in the media about globalwarming?

  They do adisservice to addressing the problem。(because因果)

  这一套题目深度阅读的难度和过往难度水平持平,没有出现难度系数较大幅波动的情况。事实上,我们在课堂之初就把所有的题目分成了能够查找定位和 不能够查找定位两大类,前者强调逻辑关系标志词后者强调原文重现不要意淫。而这套试卷的两篇文章正好一篇从一个维度进行了考核,没有例外。我是应该等你们 好消息呢?还是等你们好消息呢?还是等你们好消息呢?

相关热词搜索:12月 英语六级 阅读

