2009-05-26 20:36:19   来源:   作者:  评论:0 点击:

Part   I   Writing     (30 minutes)

       Recreational Activities

1.        娱乐活动多种多样,

2.        娱乐可能使人们受益,也可能有危害性,

3.        作为大学生,我的看法。


Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes)

Media Selection for Advertisements

After determining the target audience for a product or service, advertising agencies must select the appropriate media for the advertisement. We discuss here major types of media used in advertising. We focus our attention on seven types of advertising: television, newspapers, radio, magazines, out-of–home, Internet, and direct mail.


Television is an attractive medium for advertising because it delivers mass audiences to advertisers. When you consider that nearly three out of four Americans have seen the game show Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? You can understand the power of television to communicate with a large audience. When advertisers create a brand, for example, they want to impress consumers with the brand and its image. Television provides an ideal vehicle for this type of communication. But television is an expensive medium, and not all advertisers can afford to use it.

Television’s influence on advertising is fourfold. First, narrowcasting means that television channels are seen by an increasingly narrow segment of the audience. The Golf Channel, for instance, is watched by people who play golf. Home and Garden Television is seen by those interested in household improvement projects. Thus, audiences are smaller and more homogeneous(具有共同特点的)than they have been in the past. Second, there is an increase in the number of television channels available to viewers, and thus, advertisers. This has also resulted in an increase in the sheer number of advertisements to which audiences are exposed. Third, digital recording devices allow audience members more control over which commercials they watch. Fourth, control over programming is being passed from the networks to local cable operators and satellite programmers.


After television, the medium attracting the next largest annual ad revenue is newspapers. The New York Times, which reaches a national audience, accounts for $1 billion in ad revenue annually. It has increased its national circulation (发行量) by 40%and is now available for home delivery in 168 cities. Locally, newspapers are the largest advertising medium.

Newspapers are a less expensive advertising medium than television and provide a way for advertisers to communicate a longer, more detailed message to their audience than they can through television. Given new production techniques, advertisements can be printed in newspapers in about 48 hours, meaning newspapers are also a quick way of getting the message out, Newspapers are often the most important form of news for a local community, and they develop a high degree of loyalty from local readers.


Advertising on radio continues to grow. Radio is often used in conjunction with outdoor billboards(广告牌) and the Internet to reach even more customers than television. Advertisers are likely to use radio because it is a less expensive medium than television. Which means advertisers can afford to repeat their ads often. Internet companies are also turning to radio advertising. Radio provides a way for advertisers to communicate with audience members at all times or the day. Consumers listen to radio on their way to school or work, at work, on the way home, and in the evening hours.

Two major changes—satellite and Internet radio—will force radio advertisers to adapt their methods. Both of these radio forms allow listeners to tune in stations that are more distant than the local stations they could receive in the past. As a result, radio will increasingly attract target audiences who live many miles apart.


Newsweeklies, women’s titles, and business magazines have all seen increases in advertising because they attract the high-end market, Magazines are popular with advertisers because of the narrow market that they deliver. A broadcast medium such as network television attracts all types of audience members, but magazine audiences are more homogeneous. If you read Sports Illustrated, for example, you have much in common with the magazine’s other readers. Advertisers see magazines as an efficient way of reaching target audience members.

Advertisers using the print media—magazines and newspapers—will need to adapt to two main changes. First, the Internet will bring larger audiences to local newspapers. These audiences will be more diverse and geographically dispersed (分散) than in the past. Second, advertisers will have to understand how to use an increasing number of magazines for their target audiences. Although some magazines will maintain national audiences, a large number of magazines will entertain narrower audiences.

                                         Out-of-home advertising

Out-of-home advertising, also called place-based advertising, has become an increasingly effective way of reaching consumers, who are more active than ever before. Many consumers today do not sit at home and watch television. Using billboards, newsstands, and bus shelters for advertising is an effective way of reaching these on-the-go consumers. More consumers travel longer distances to and from work, which also makes out-of-home advertising effective. Technology has changed the nature of the billboard business, making it a more effective medium than in the past. Using digital printing, billboard companies can print a billboard in 2 hours, compared with 6 days previously. This allows advertisers more variety in the types of messages they create because they can change their messages more quickly.


As consumers become more comfortable with online shopping, advertisers will seek to reach this market. As consumers get more of their news and information from the Internet, the ability of television and radio to get the word out to consumers will decrease. The challenge to Internet advertisers is to create ads that audience members remember.

Internet advertising will play a more prominent role in organizations’ advertising in the near future, Internet audiences tend to be quite homogeneous, but small. Advertisers will have to adjust their methods to reach these audiences and will have to adapt their persuasive strategies to the online medium as well.

                                               Direct mail

A final advertising medium is direct mail, which uses mailings to consumers to communicate a client’s message. Direct mail includes newsletters, postcards, and special promotions, Direct mail is an effective way to build relationships with consumers. For many businesses. direct mail is the most effective form of advertising.

1. Television is an attractive advertising medium in that ____________ .

  A) it has large audiences                              B) it appeals to housewives

  C) it helps build up a company’s reputation               D) it is affordable to most advertisers

2. With the increase in the number of TV channels, _________ .

A)      the cost of TV advertising has decreased                B) the number of TV viewers has increased

C)      advertisers’ interest in other media has decreased         D) the number of TV ads people can see has increased

3. Compared with television, newspapers as an advertising medium _______ .

  A) earn a larger annual ad revenue                          B) convey more detailed messages

  C) use more production techniques                         D) get messages out more effectively

4. Advertising on radio continues to grow because ________ .

A) more local radio stations have been set up               B) modern technology makes it more entertaining

C) it provides easy access to consumers                   D) it has been revolutionized by Internet radio

5. Magazines are seen by advertisers as an efficient way to __________ .

  A) reach target audiences    B) appeal to educated people   C) attract diverse audiences   D) convey all kinds of messages

6. Out-of-home advertising has become more effective because _______ .

A)  billboards can be replaced within two hours            B) consumers travel more now than ever before

C )  such ads have been made much more attractive         D) the pace of urban life is much faster nowadays

7. The challenge to Internet advertisers is to create ads that are _______ .

  A) quick to update     B) pleasant to look at      C) easy to remember        D) convenient to access

8. Internet advertisers will have to adjust their methods to reach audiences that tend to be __________ .

9. Direct mail is an effective form of advertising for businesses to develop _______ .

10. This passage discusses how advertisers select ________ for advertisements.


Part III Listening Comprehension (35 minutes)

Section A

11. A) Give his ankle a good rest                          B) Treat his injury immediately

   C) Continue his regular activities                       D) Be careful when climbing steps

12. A) On a train         B) On a plane             C) In a theater         D) In a restaurant

13. A) A tragic accident     B) A sad occasion     C) Smith’s unusual life story       D) Smith’s sleeping problem

14. A) Review the details of all her lessons                  B) Compare notes with his classmates

   C) Talk with her about his learning problems             D) Focus on the main points of her lectures

15. A) The man blamed the woman for being careless          B) The man misunderstood the woman’s apology

   C) The woman offered to pay for the man’s coffee          D) The woman spilt coffee on the man’s jacket

16. A) Extremely tedious    B) Hard to understand      C) Lacking a good plot         D) Not worth seeing twice

17. A) Attending every lecture    B) Doing lots of homework    C) Reading very extensively    D) Using test-taking strategies

18. A) The digital TV system will offer different programs     B) He is eager to see what the new system is like

   C) He thinks it unrealistic to have 500 channels           D) The new TV system may not provide anything better

Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard

19. A) A notice by the electricity board                 B) Ads promoting electric appliances

   C) The description of a thief in disguise             D) A new policy on pensioners’ welfare

20. A) Speaking with a proper accent                  B) Wearing an official uniform

   C) Making friends with them                     D) Showing them his ID

21. A) To be on the alert when being followed           B) Not to leave senior citizens alone at home

   C) Not to let anyone in without an appointment       D) To watch out for those from the electricity board

22. A) She was robbed near the parking lot              B) All her money in the bank disappeared

   C) The pension she had just drawn was stolen        D) She was knocked down in the post office

Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard

23. A) Marketing consultancy                        B) Professional accountancy

   C) Luxury hotel management                     D) Business conference organization

24. A) Having a good knowledge of its customs          B) Knowing some key people in tourism

   C) Having been to the country before               D) Being able to speak Japanese

25. A) It will bring her potential into full play            B) It will involve lots of train travel

   C) It will enable her to improve her Chinese           D) It will give her more chances to visit Japan

Section B

Passage One

Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have jus heard

26. A) The lack of time      B) The quality of life     C) The frustrations at work     D) The pressure on working families

27. A) They were just as busy as people of today            B) They saw the importance of collective efforts

   C) They didn’t complain as much as modern man         D) They lived a hard life by hunting and gathering

28. A) To look for creative ideas of awarding employees       B) To explore strategies for lowering production costs

   C) To seek new approaches to dealing with complaints      D) To find effective ways to give employees flexibility

Passage Two

Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard

29. A) Family violence    B) The Great Depression   C) Her father’s disloyalty     D) Her mother’s bad temper

30. A) His advanced age  B) His children’s efforts  C) His improved financial condition  D) His second wife’s positive influence

31. A) Love is blind                                        B) Love breeds love

   C) Divorce often has disastrous consequences                D) Happiness is hard to find in blended families

Passage Three

Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard

32. A) It was located in a park                                B) Its owner died of a heart attack

   C) It went bankrupt all of a sudden                         D) Its potted plants were for lease only

33. A) Planting some trees in the greenhouse                    B) Writing a want ad to a local newspaper

C) Putting up a Going Out of Business sign                   D) Helping a customer select some purchases

34. A) Opening an office in the new office park                  B) Keeping better relations with her company

   C) Developing fresh business opportunities                  D) Building a big greenhouse of his own

35. A) Owning the greenhouse one day                         B) Securing a job at the office park

   C) Cultivating more potted plants                          D) Finding customers out of town

Section C

We’re now witnessing the emergence of an advanced economy based on information and knowledge. Physical (36) ______ , raw materials, and capital are no longer the key (37) ______ in the creation of wealth. Now, the (38) _____ raw material in our economy is knowledge. Tomorrow’s wealth depends on the development and exchange of knowledge. And (39) ______ entering the workforce offer their knowledge, not their muscles. Knowledge workers get paid for their education and their ability to learn. Knowledge workers (40) ______ in mind work. They deal with symbols: words, (41) ______ , and data.

What does all this mean for you? As a future knowledge worker, you can expect to be (42) ______ , processing, as well as exchanging information, (43) ______ , three out of four jobs involve some form of mind work, and that number will increase sharply in the future. Management and employees alike (44) __________ .

In the new world of work, you can look forward to being in constant training (45) ________ . You can also expect to be taking greater control of your career. Gone are the nine-to-five jobs, lifetime security, predictable promotions, and even the conventional workplace, as you are familiar with. (46) _____. And don’t wait for someone to “empower” you. You have to empower yourself.


Part IV Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth) (25 minutes)

Section A

Questions 47 to 56 are based on the following passage

Some years ago I was offered a writing assignment that would require three months of travel through Europe. I had been abroad a couple of times, but I could hardly  47  to know my way around the continent. Moreover, my knowledge of foreign languages was  48  to a little college French.

I hesitated. How would I, unable to speak the language,  49  unfamiliar with local geography or transportation systems, set up  50  and do research? It seemed impossible, and with considerable  51  I sat down to write a letter begging off. Halfway through, a thought ran through my mind: you can’t learn if you don’t try. So I accepted the assignment.

There were some bad  52  . But by the time I had finished the trip I was an experienced traveler. And ever since, I have never hesitated to head for even the most remote of places, without guides or even  53  bookings, confident that somehow I will manage.

The point is that the new, the different, is almost by definition  54  . But each time you try something, you learn, and as the learning piles up, the world opens to you.

I’ve learned to ski at 40, and flown up the Rhine River in a  55  . And I know I’ll go on doing such things. It’s not because I’m braver or more daring than others. I’m not. But I’ll accept anxiety as another name for challenge and I believe I can  56  wonders.

A) accomplish        B) advanced          C) balloon         D) claim           E) constantly

F) declare            G) interviews         H) limited         I) manufacture      J) moments

K) news             L) reduced            M) regret         N) scary           O) totally

Section B

Passage One

Questions 57 to 61 are based on the following passage

Global warming may or may not be the great environmental crisis of the 21st century, but—regardless of whether it is or isn’t—we won’t do much about it. We will argue over it and may even, as a nation, make some fairly solemn-sounding commitments to avoid it. But the more dramatic and meaningful these commitments seem, the less likely they are to be observed.

Al Gore calls global warming an “inconvenient truth,” as if merely recognizing it could put us on a path to a solution. But the real truth is that we don’t know enough to relieve global warming, and—without major technological breakthroughs—we can’t do much about it.

From 2003 to 2050, the world’s population is projected to grow from 6.4 billion to 9.1 billion, a 42% increase. If energy use per person and technology remain the same, total energy use and greenhouse gas emissions (mainly, CO2) will be 42% higher in 2050. But that’s too low, because societies that grow richer use more energy. We need economic growth unless we condemn the world’s poor to their present poverty and freeze everyone else’s living standards. With modest growth, energy use and greenhouse emissions more than double by 2050.

No government will adopt rigid restrictions on economic growth and personal freedom (limits on electricity usage, driving and travel) that might cut back global warming. Still, politicians want to show they’re “doing something.” Consider the Kyoto Protocol(京都议定书). It allowed countries that joined to punish those that didn’t. But it hasn’t reduced CO2 emissions (up about 25% since 1990), and many signatories (签字国)didn’t adopt tough enough policies to hit their 2008-2012 targets.

The practical conclusion is that if global warming is a potential disaster, the only solution is new technology. Only an aggressive research and development program might find ways of breaking our dependence on fossil fuels or dealing with it.

The trouble with the global warming debate is that it has become a moral problem when it’s really an engineering one. The inconvenient truth is that if we don’t solve the engineering problem, we’re helpless.

57. What is said about global warming in the first paragraph?

A)      It may not prove an environmental crisis at all       B) It is an issue requiring world wide commitments

C)  Serious steps have been taken to avoid or stop it     D) Very little will be done to bring it under control

58. According to the author’s understanding, what is Al Gore’s view


