2013-04-03 22:45:10   来源:37度医学网   作者:  评论:0 点击:

Group-based incentives may produce more weight loss


(ReutersHealth) - Employees offered financial incentives to lose weight may drop morepounds when they're competing as part of a group of colleagues, a new studysuggests.


Researcherscompared two incentive scenarios. Under one, employees got $100 for each monththey met the goal of dropping at least one pound per week. Under the secondscenario, $500 was set aside each month for a group of five co-workers and theones who met their goal got to split the prize.


"Peoplemay be more motivated to achieve a particular goal when a particular resourcethat had been allocated for them is given to someone else if they don't achievetheir goal," said Dr. Jeffrey Kullgren, the study's lead author from theUniversity of Michigan Medical School and the Ann Arbor VA Healthcare System.

来自美国密歇根大学医学院及维吉尼亚州安阿伯市医疗体系的Jeffrey Kullgren(这项研究的第一作者)指出:“如果一个人不能完成自己的目标,原本自己分配到的资源会被别人得到,这会更加激励他们努力达成特定的目标。”

He and hiscolleagues randomly assigned 105 obese hospitalemployees to be offered the individual incentive, the group-basedincentive (without knowing who else was in their group) or not to receive anyreward for losing weight.


Participantsweighed-in each month for about five months. By the end of the study, people inthe no-reward group had lost an average of just over one pound each. Those whowere offered individual incentives had shed 3.7 pounds, on average, compared to10.6 pounds among those with group-based incentives.


Thepossibility of earning more than $100 if their group members didn't loseweight, in addition to the element of competition, may have driven those employeesto make the most significant changes, Kullgren's teamreported Monday in the Annals of Internal Medicine.




Althoughweight-loss incentives are becoming popular with many employers, researcherssaid there are still questions about what type of program provides the mostbang for the buck.


"Thereare hundreds of different ways you can think about doing it. I don't thinkthere's a consensus about what the best way is," said Robert Jeffery,who has studied financial incentives at theUniversity of Minnesota in Minneapolis.

在美国明尼阿波利斯市的明尼苏达大学学习过经济激励的Robert Jeffery称:“有上百种经济激励方案,但关于哪个方案最好,没有一致的意见。”

Pastresearch does provide a few clues, however, he told Reuters Health. Rewardingpeople more frequently - such as every week - seems to encourage more weightloss, as does offering more money for success, not surprisingly.


Behavioraleconomics suggests that aversion to losing - whether money or just acompetition with other members of the group - can be a good motivator.


Forinstance, one recent study found loss aversion played a role in who lost weightwhen dieters had to deposit a few dollars into an account weekly, and the cashwas matched if they lost weight or forfeited if they didn't (see Reuters Healthstory of February 8, 2011 here:).


Still, eveneffective programs can lose their "oomph" over time, according toJeffery, who wasn't involved in the new research.


And moststudies don't account for the odds that people who would be trying to loseweight anyway are the most likely to join a financial incentives program - andcertain other heavy employees might be harder to reach, he said.


There arestill many strategies to explore, Jeffery added - such as paying people more,the longer they keep the extra weight off.


Someemployers have also tried "Biggest Loser"-style games, but those maydiscourage certain people because only the few who lose the most weight getrewarded, researchers pointed out.


"Thisis yet another approach that we need to have in our tool kits for addressingthis really major and vexing public health problem," Kullgren told ReutersHealth, adding that an incentive program could be combined with diet andexercise counseling, for example.


The questionis, "How can these types of approaches complement what we already knowworks?" he said. 


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